Registration for COVID-19 Vaccination
People aged 18 and above can register for the COVID-19 vaccines for themselves through the COVID-19 Immunization Portal by doing as follows:
- Access the COVID-19 Immunization Portal via the address or via the “Sổ sức khoẻ điện tử” (E-health) application for phones using Android and iOS.
- Select “Đăng ký tiêm” (Register for injection) > Register for individual Covid-19 vaccination
Step 1: Fill in your personal information
+ Họ và tên/Full name (*)
+ Ngày sinh/Date of birth (*): Day/month/year
+ Giới tính/Gender (*)
+ Số điện thoại/Phone number (*)
+ Số CMND/CCCD/HC/Number of ID card/passport (*)
+ Số thẻ BHYT/Health insurance card number
+ Nghề nghiệp/Occupation (*)
+ Ngày muốn được tiêm (dự kiến)/Date you want to be injected (expected) (*)
+ Địa chỉ/Address
+ Tỉnh/Thành phố/Province/City (*)
+ Quận/Huyện/District (*)
+ Xã/Phường/Commune/Ward (*)
+ Dân tộc/Ethnicity
+ Quốc tịch/Nationality
+ Nhóm ưu tiên/Priority group (*): Select according to available options
The fields marked with (*) are required fields, the contents without (*) are not required.
After filling in all the information, select “Tiếp tục” (Continue) to move to Step 2.
Step 2: Information about medical history
- History of anaphylaxis grade 2 or higher
- History of COVID-19 within 6 months
- History of other vaccinations in the past 14 days
- History of impaired translation, end-stage cancer, splenectomy, decompensated cirrhosis, etc.
- Taking immunosuppressive drugs, high-dose corticosteroids (equivalent to or more than 2 mg prednisolone/kg/day for at least 7 days), or undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy
- Acute illness
- History of chronic, progressive illness
- History of chronic illness that has been treated well
- Being pregnant, women who are breastfeeding
- Aged 65 or above
- History of coagulation/hemostasis disorder or taking anticoagulants
- History of allergy to other allergens
The system listed information about medical history and let the registrant choose according to the following criteria:
+ Yes
+ No
+ Unknown
After selecting, press “Tiếp tục” (Continue) to move to Step 3.
Step 3: Vaccination consent form
- Vaccination is an effective way to prevent disease, but the COVID-19 vaccine may not completely prevent the disease. People who are vaccinated against COVID-19 may be able to prevent or reduce the severity of the disease if they do get sick. However, after vaccination, you still have to continue to strictly follow the epidemic prevention measures as prescribed.
- Immunization against COVID-19 vaccine may cause a number of health abnormalities such as injection site or systemic manifestations, including common post-vaccination reactions and serious post-vaccination adverse events.
- When there are abnormal health symptoms, the vaccinated person should immediately go to the nearest medical facility for advice, examination, and timely treatment.
Read the above information and select “Đồng ý” (Agree), select “Xác nhận” (Confirm).
The system will send the OTP code to the registered phone number, enter the OTP code, select “Xác nhận”.
Step 4: Complete the registration
Data collected will be transferred to vaccination venues. The venues will screen registrants, confirm their information, and make a list of people to prioritize. Once registered, users will be notified as vaccines become available. They will be given an appointment for screening and will be informed about their vaccination schedule.
According to the Ministry of Health, this COVID-19 vaccination campaign is deployed on a large scale, ensuring the vaccination of 150 million doses of the vaccine that Vietnam has been negotiating to order from now until April 2022.